01323 811253 / 07740 424949 / 07444 588461 info@angieosbornecounselling.co.uk

My story

angie osborne Having always found myself working in roles where I was directly supporting others, the 80’s saw me working for a Breakfast Television Station. The working environment was stressful and hours unsociable.

As a company, they offered staff support through a variety of holistic therapies and counselling and I took the opportunity to experience both.

I found counselling to be particularly beneficial; to build a trust and to talk openly, process and explore my experiences and feelings with an impartial person, in a confidential space, was personally empowering.

I had my light bulb moment!

The seed was sown. Acutely aware that this type of support was so important not only in the work place but also in people’s personal life. I knew, without doubt, that becoming a trained counsellor was what I wanted to do. For me to work face to face with people in a supporting role is integral to who I am.

Life, as often happens, chooses its own path; it took me in various working and training directions, all zigzagged routes saw me time and time again working directly with and supporting people in a variety of interactive ways, all of which have helped me identify who I am.

I ignored the signs! it never seemed to be the right moment but eventually, my passion to help and support others through their difficult and challenging times finally found its way and I took the final step to change career, revisit and fulfil my passion to become a Counsellor.

Fast forward!

I qualified with an Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Psychology. My approach is Humanistic Integrative & Person Centred based which means I tailor the way I work to suit the needs of each person. I am in regular monthly supervision and follow a programme of specialist training and continued professional development to update my knowledge and enhance my skills.

In addition to my own Counselling Practice, I have provided Counselling support to a local Charity offering emotional support to parents and siblings who have experienced the death of a child or young adult within their family. Previously I was a counsellor with the Macmillan Counselling Services NHS Eastbourne and Cruse Bereavement Services.

My Counselling Practice is situated in the picturesque village of Ripe in a tranquil setting surrounded by the beautiful Sussex Countryside. It is nestled between fields and woodland with far reaching views towards the South Downs and provides a calming environment.

I see most people at my counselling room. However, I am very aware that social isolation can affect some people and leaving their home or travelling may be very difficult. So, in such circumstances I am able to make home visits. If this is you, please do ask me and we can discuss your situation with a view to facilitating this.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and if you feel that I may be the right person to support you or if you wish to ask further questions please contact me.

Angie Osborne

“To feel heard and supported is central to making changes.’’


  • Advanced Diploma in Humanistic Integrative Counselling & Psychology
  • Person Centred Counselling
  • Bereavement, Complex Grief & Loss Counselling
  • TA101 (Transactional Analysis)
  • Couples Counselling
  • MHFA (England)
  • Enhanced DBS

“Helping you face the future.’’

BUPA Mental Health Provider

Registered Bupa Mental Health Provider